Meetings start at 10:00am and aim to finish by approx.12:15pm

Future 2025 meetings

Saturday 12th April 2025 - Leigh Preston FRPS, EFIAP, MPAGB
A mix of work to inspire us including Urban, real people, street shots, cameos of life in strange places and atmospheric scenes. Leigh states ‘I have a relatively specific approach to what I choose to make pictures of, and I rely heavily on atmospherics, dramatic lighting and strong storylines to convey an individual style'.

Saturday 7th June 2025 - Sean Goswell
Sean shares his passion about mindfulness photography and the effect it has on both wellbeing and mental health. Sean writes...’Stopping, Pausing and Observing, by slowing down and being in the moment, even the simplest things can become both interesting and beautiful.’

Saturday 2nd August 2025 - Rod Higginson
Brutalist Architecture, Rod has produces a unique set of images for us on Brutalist Buildings, typically characterised by their massive, monolithic and blocky appearance typical of geometric, large scale pour concrete. A unique style in the rendering of Rod's images take the often overlooked mundane into a work of fine art. Rod’s work is exhibited nationally and internationally.

Saturday 4th October 2025 - Dorchester Monochrome Group
We welcome several members of this specialist group from Dorchester led by Alison Webber FRPS who will share, discuss and inspire us with a mixture of prints and digital projected monochrome images. An enjoyable unique interaction with some well-respected regional monochrome photographers, providing something for everyone.

Saturday 6th December 2025 - Lucy Saggers
Photographing the stories of rural life, looking particularly at threads connecting people, their landscape, past, present and future. Lucy is interested in the impressions we leave on each other, on the land, and in turn the marks that a place leaves on us. Also seeking to abstract emotion as well as to blur the space between past and present. A book of Lucy’s 10-year village photographic project Ford of the Sorrel will be available to purchase.

Here is a printable A4 copy of our programme